
welcome to inkfriends

At inkfriends we specialise in a range of ways to help you personalise your home. Our range includes our speciality inkwords, individual inkletters, custom framing and the option of DIY block mounting kits.

Our inkwords, whether they be a name or that special word, are all individually hand made and cut to order. Clients are able to select their preferred style from our font portfolio and in the case of wooden inkwords, they are also able to choose their preferred colour from our extensive palette. Alternatively, inkwords can also be made from 3mm coloured acrylic sheet.

inkfriends are also able to assist you by custom framing photographs, artworks, certificates, textile arts, and even special items of memoribilia. We take time to understand your requirements before transforming your treasured item into a work of art. Custom framing ensures your memories will be protected from time and atmospheric conditions, which can otherwise easily lead to deterioration.

Alternatively, if it is a photo you want to present or display, why not talk to us about our very own DIY Block Mounting kits known as "ezi-pics". Each kit comes complete with all the materials and comprehensive instructions for you to make your own professional looking block mounted artwork.

inkfriends services

For more information about our inkfriends range, either click on a link below or use the navigation bar above.


inkwords make an ideal gift for a new born baby, wedding or any other family occasion

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Each inkword is hand made to the specifications requested by the client.

Choice of font, colour and size can all be made to suit your individual requirements



Perhaps you would just prefer an individual letter to make a statement.

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Just like our famous inkwords, inkletters are individually made to the specifications of the client.

inkletters can be cut up to a maximum size of 600mm in width. Fonts and colours can be selected from our extensive range.


inkfriends can assist you with custom framing to protect and preserve precious memories

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custom framing

inkfriends can custom frame your photos, certificates, artwork and other special memorabilia to ensure they and preserved and protected against deterioration.

Alternatively, you may prefer to present your artwork as a block mount. Our DIY "ezi-pics" solution with comprehensive instructions may be just the solution you are looking for.
